Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0

Component org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource


Component use to register datasources.

Example contribution:

    <datasource driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
        maxActive="20" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" name="jdbc/foo">
        <property name="url">jdbc:derby:/home/db;create=true</property>
        <property name="username">nuxeo</property>
        <property name="password">nuxeo</property>

Or, for a XA datasource:

    <datasource maxActive="20" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000"
        name="jdbc/foo" xaDataSource="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource">
        <property name="databaseName">/home/db</property>
        <property name="createDatabase">create</property>
        <property name="user">nuxeo</property>
        <property name="password">nuxeo</property>

The allowed attributes of a datasource

element are:

  • name the JNDI name (for instance jdbc/foo )
  • driverClassName the JDBC driver class name (only for a non-XA datasource)
  • xaDataSource the XA datasource class name (only for a XA datasource)

To configure the characteristics of the pool:

  • maxActive the maximum number of active connections
  • minIdle the minimum number of idle connections
  • maxIdle the maximum number of idle connections
  • maxWait the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be available, or -1 (the default) to wait indefinitely
  • ... see org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource setters for more.

To configure the datasource, individual property sub-elements must be used. For a non-XA datasource, url

, username

and password

are commonly used. For a XA datasource, the properties are done according to the JavaBean setters of the datasource, see the documentation for your JDBC driver for more.


Class: org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource.DataSourceComponent


Extension Points

XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource">
		Component use to register datasources.

		Example contribution:

			<datasource name="jdbc/foo" driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
				maxActive="20" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000">
				<property name="url">jdbc:derby:/home/db;create=true</property>
				<property name="username">nuxeo</property>
				<property name="password">********</property>

		Or, for a XA datasource:

			<datasource name="jdbc/foo"
				xaDataSource="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource" maxActive="20"
				maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000">
				<property name="databaseName">/home/db</property>
				<property name="createDatabase">create</property>
				<property name="user">nuxeo</property>
				<property name="password">********</property>

		The allowed attributes of a
		element are:
				the JNDI name (for instance
				the JDBC driver class name (only for a non-XA datasource)
				the XA datasource class name (only for a XA datasource)
		<p />
		To configure the characteristics of the pool:
				the maximum number of active connections
				the minimum number of idle connections
				the maximum number of idle connections
				the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to
				available, or -1 (the default) to wait indefinitely
				... see org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource setters for more.
		<p />
		To configure the datasource, individual property sub-elements must be
		For a non-XA datasource,
		are commonly used. For a XA datasource, the properties are done
		to the JavaBean setters of the datasource, see the
		documentation for
		JDBC driver for more.

		<provide interface="org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource.PooledDataSourceRegistry" />

	<implementation class="org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource.DataSourceComponent" />

	<extension-point name="datasources">
		<object class="org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource.DataSourceDescriptor" />
		<object class="org.nuxeo.runtime.datasource.DataSourceLinkDescriptor" />
